We believe in Realistic Physics Simulation

DHIO Research worked with OEMs, Tier-1, (and lower) suppliers of auto/aero/general engineering industry in collaborative engineering services, research and development in Design (3D, 2D, drafting), analysis (FEA/ CAE/DOE/, and process modeling (of manufacturing processes).
DHIO has a team of experts with FEA Analysts, Metallurgists, Manufacturing Process Experts, Optimisation Specialist and Tool & Die Designers with decades of experience in complex engineering Simulation based services in product/process/ material design, redesign, engineering reverse engineering, analysis and optimization to save money, material and time.
DHIO is conducting a variety of analysis for industry covering the interaction of thermal, stress, and material effects.
The objective of the analysis have been:
1. Re-design of the component / system
2. Analysis (for failure or redesign) of the system
3. Inducting new material for the design
4. Process re-engineering
5. Development of analysis / certification / virtual proofing procedures.
We provide Services and Support in
- CAD, Meshing, FEA Services
- Structural Dynamics, Kinematics, Multi-Disciplinary Optimization
- Life Calculations : Fatigue, Durability, Fracture Mechanics/Crack Growth Simulation
- Vibration, Dynamics, NVH, Seismic Analysis
- Impact, Drop, Large Displacement, Large Deflection Studies
- Nonlinear Transient Thermal/Heat Transfer Studies
- Computational Fluid Dynamics – System, Subsystem, Component Level
- Manufacturing Process Simulation (Casting/Forging/Rolling/Welding/Heat treatment)
- Electro-Mechanical & Electromagnetic Analysis
- Antenna Design/PCB Design/EMI/EMC Evaluation

Linear & Nonlinear Analysis
- Computation of Stress, Strain, Displacement, Deflection
- Computation of Material Behavior
- Computation of structural behavior under specified loading
- Buckling Analysis, Modal Analysis, Eigen Value Analysis
Non Linear
- Computation of Material, Geometry & Boundary Condition Non Linearity
- Structural, Material Failure Analysis
- Large Deformation, Deflection Analysis
- Bulk Metal Forming Simulations
- Contact, Impact, Crash Analysis
- Isotropic, Anisotropic, Orthotropic Material Evaluation and Constitutive Model Development
- Elastic, Plastic, Elasto-Plastic, Hyper elastic, Visco – Elastic Evaluation
- Porous Material Modeling
Static & Dynamic Analysis
Linear Static Analysis
- Modal Analysis
- Eigen Value Analysis
- Buckling Analysis
Dynamic Analysis
- Time Response Analysis
- Frequency Response Analysis
- Secondary spectral response analysis
- Moving Load Analysis
- Code Evaluation for Static & Dynamic behavior of the structure
- ASME Code
- Euro Code
- IRS/Structural Code
Heat Transfer Analysis
- Steady State/Transient/Pulsed Thermal Analysis
- Thermal Evaluation of the System
- Prediction of Cooling and Heating Rates
- Prediction of Thermal Cracks
- Prediction Of HTC, Heat Flux between the boundary
- Coupled Structural – Thermal Analysis
Contact / Impact / Crash Analysis
- Evaluation of different contact parameters based on line Line, Surface, Solid Contact Surfaces
- Wear Simulation to predict :
- Wear Rate
- Percentage of Damage
- Strain Rates V/S time
- Structural & Thermal Contacts
- Evaluation of Contact Parameters
- Friction,
- Type of Contact
- Effect of Lubrication
- Contact Failure Analysis
- Time Dependent Non Linear Contact Simulations
- Impact Analysis
- Low Velocity Impact
- High Velocity impact
- Drop Test Simulation
- Crash Simulation – Strain Energy, Level of Impact
Value Proposition
We offer our expertise to synergize with YOUR design/engineering/R&D Groups to provide the design/process/engineering services
faster, better and economical
Collaborative Engineering Team with experienced
– FEA Analysts
– Metallurgists
– Material Experts
– Tool & Die Design Experts
– Process Development & Optimization Experts
Start a project with us !